“Train Your Brain Tuesday” is HERE!

“Train Your Brain Tuesday” is HERE!

“Train Your Brain Tuesday” is HERE!

"Train Your Brain Tuesday" is HERE!

Join us EVERY TUESDAY as Kim Hanson, CEO of LearningRx, demonstrates brain training exercises that kids ages 5 and up can do on their own, with their siblings, or with the entire family!

These fun, challenging activities can all be done with common items you have around the house. Kim is also giving away FREE brain-building activities in addition to the ones she demonstrates. Watch our newest episode below that focuses on brainy exercises that build attention and processing speed. Then head to our website to download activities mentioned in the video.

Three Common Learning Disabilities (Plus, Clues Your Child Has Been Trying to Work Around Them)

We know that many families are now spending more time together than ever before, due to current events in our country and around the world. You may also be helping your student with school work in unprecedented ways, and, for the first time, noticing that there may be some struggles.

The term “learning disability” can strike a chord of panic in parents. “But my child is smart! How can she have a learning disability?” is a common reaction. And the reality is, they’re right! The majority of kids and teens (and adults!) with learning disabilities are intelligent—even geniuses! Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Walt Disney, and plenty more all had learning disabilities of some kind. How is that possible?

Check out some of the most common learning struggles and how kids try to work around them:

Four Easy Steps to Strengthen Reading Comprehension at Home (at Any Age!)

Reading comprehension – the ability to process text and understand it’s meaning – is a vital skill for children and adults alike. Without it, reading can be a frustrating process.

There are many things you can do at home to help with your child’s reading comprehension, even before they are old enough to read! We’ve compiled a list of four easy steps you can do at home, no matter the age of your child, to push their reading comprehension to the next level.

7 Tips for Keeping Your Brain Young

Research on age-related dementia continues to accelerate as our US population grows ever more top-heavy. According to the US Census Bureau, within the next 15 years there will be more older adults than kids for the first time in our country’s history. Learning how to improve the quality of our aging years has never been more important.

We know that consistent exercise helps maintain and improve physical and neurological health as we age…but how much do we really need to make a difference? According to the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) it might be easier than we realized.

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