All i want...


We see a tomorrow where  All  children have access to a quality education that meets their individual needs
and prepares them to be productive, contributing citizens.

WHY WE Exist

The Problem
For many years, less than half of Colorado students met grade-level reading standards, and only a third met math standards. Minority communities fared so much worse.

Educational failure is at historic levels for students from low-income families who are trapped in Colorado’s poorest-performing public schools – the perfect storm – children assigned to under-performing schools with no way out… systemically sustaining the cycle of poverty.


Our Mission is the Solution
Parents Challenge disrupts the legacy of educational failure by empowering parents. We provide our families with information, training, mentoring, tools, and financial resources to equip them to choose the education they think best for their children.

Choice and freedom are enshrined in virtually all aspects of American society. Why not in education, especially for low-income families, for whom education offers the greatest hope for economic advancement?


Report Card Example
Child and Mother working together
Our Founding Principles
  • All children have the right to be educated
  • Parents know what is best for their children
  • Schools must be accountable to the children and their parents
  • Empowering parents with “choice” means a better education for all
  • Parents must be engaged in the education of their children
  • Most importantly, we are committed to making these beliefs real and available to families in Colorado Springs and, ultimately, across the country.
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Having helped nearly 4,000 low-income students over the past twenty years, Parents Challenge is committed to expanding those opportunities for many more students and parents in the Pikes Peak region, but we need your help! Please consider getting involved.