Events // Activities

NSCW - 2025 Event - january 25 - great wolf lodge

Parents Challenge partners with National School Choice Week every year to host a school fair to promote the variety of school options in Colorado Springs. Our annual event took place on January 27, 2024 at the Great Wolf Lodge, with over 70 vendors and 1000 people in attendance. Families were offered resources from private, public, charter and home school options as well as organizations and companies. The families also enjoyed activities, prizes and entertainment.

Parent Empowerment Sessions

Parents Challenge offers a variety of empowerment sessions to both parents and scholars. All recipients of a Parents Challenge scholarship must complete 6 sessions per year. Session topics are chosen by our parents in a yearly focus group and are designed to provide resources and tools which create opportunities for educational success. Sessions are open to the public. To see the full schedule and registration link click here Parent Advocacy Sessions | Parent Meetings | Parents Challenge.

  • This session provided health-related resources to our families through community outreach from 9 organizations in Colorado.
  • Speakers: Lisa Jenkins, BSW, M.ED Founder/CEO Kingdom Builders Family Life Center & Joi Miller, Founder The Makarios Project
  • Watch Session
  • This session taught parents and children how to maximize their character strengths. Betsy discussed the 24-character strengths that make up what’s best about a person’s personality and to remember that everyone possesses each characteristic but to different degrees.
  • Speaker: Betsy Brown, Thrivers Leadership Foundation, Exponential Impact

  • This session focused on the many math skills needed when working with money. Mary Ann worked with elementary level students on computing change back from small purchases and word problems involving money.
  • Speaker: Mary Ann Hubl, Founder Monumental Math
  • Watch session
  • This class was an informative session on the basics of local government. The class was held on UCCS campus and families were given a tour of the campus after the session.
  • This session provided information on establishing goals through the creation of a vision board.
  • Speakers: Dr. Jacque Franklin and Dr. Regina Lewis
  • Watch Session
  • This session was for parents and scholars and focused on learning how to work together in the kitchen to create healthy meals that the entire family could enjoy. This session was held at Care and Share Food Bank, who are a long-time partner of Parents Challenge.
  • Speaker: Jessie Henderson; Care and Share Food Bank

Community Service

Parents Challenge families love to give back to their community. On October 7, 2023 our Platinum Families (5 years or more) partnered with COS I Love You to participate in their Fall CityServe projects.


In collaboration with The Richard Petritz Foundation, Parents Challenge offers a yearly STEM Camp FREE for scholars interested in technology, engineering, and the sciences. The camp will take place June 12 – 16 and will offer an immersive experience into the STEM field including trips to the Air Force Academy Planetarium, The Discovery Center, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and Woodford Manufacturing.

Rising Seniors

Parents Challenge offers their current seniors and those entering their senior year an opportunity to attend a FREE overnight leadership camp called Rising Seniors. The scholars learn team building and leadership skills while connecting with nature. The 2023 camp will take place July 21 – 23 at Bear Trap Ranch.

Donor Appreciation

Parents Challenge would not be possible without the support from all our generous donors. Parents Challenge hosts an annual Donor Appreciation event to show their gratitude.