Parents: I believe schools are winding down the virtual instruction this week. At home instruction needs to continue to make sure our scholars stay sharp and prepared for the next grade. Please check out the many resources you have been provided over the past eight (8) weeks. Some are grade specific, but many cover K-12 instruction.
The libraries, YMCA’s, Boys and Girls Club, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and other camp opportunities will be reopening soon. Many of these facilities will have limited access, search now for those programs that will enhance your scholars summer activities. Also, consider other activities that can be done in your apartments, homes, backyards and parks. Creativity is extremely important.
Those that are needing tutoring services, please reach out to Lori Bitar, Academic Advocates and Steve and Sheila Shapiro, Learning Connections. Contact Judy Hanke, Mindbuilders for brain training options, see handout on summer activities.
Stay connected and let us know about resources you are aware of that may be of value to others. Let us know what resources you are in need of. If you are in need of food, please go to Care and Share website, also check with churches that food pantry’s. If you are in need of other services such as rent, utilities, childcare contact United Way for assistance.
Summer Boost Starts Today
Research suggests kids lose up to 2.6 months of valuable reading and math skills over the summer. Our antidote is Summer Boost, a weekly dose of engaging educational content to keep your child’s brain active all summer!
Help your child practice, play, and prepare for the next grade level. You’re receiving the Summer Boost for kindergarten.